4th Indonesia Championship Preliminaries
12th Tango in Paradise
Bali - Indonesia, June 11th - 16th, 2025
4th Indonesia Championship Preliminaries Is one session of the series of tango preliminaries before the World Tango Championship in Buenos Aires.
12th Tango in Paradise Is a prestigious and unique Tango Event. It’s a mix culture and tradition of the two beautiful countries – Indonesia and Argentina.
The two events will be held again in Bali - Indonesia, starts with the 4th Indonesia Championship Preliminaries in June 11th - 13th, 2025, followed by 12th Tango in Paradise in June 14th - 16th, 2025.
To participants Tango In Bali 2025, let’s have fun, sharing our embrace and have memorable time in Bali. Especially to all Competitors, We wish all of you the best of luck in the competition.
Ratih Soe Kosasie – Tiara Josodirdjo